I addition, there is a good rule for such situations: - first, return everything to _previous_ state; - having it fixed in previous state, allow time for laywers, disputes
on to resolve a problem.
agreed. but then proverbially, "common sense isn't".
What happen if someone stole 'aol.com'domain tomorrow? Or 'microsoft.com'? How much damage will be done until this sleeping behemots wake up, set up a meeting (in Tuesday I believe - because Monday is a holiday), make any decision, open a toicket, pass thru change control and restore domain? 5 days?
with due respect to panix (i knew of panix before i ever knew of aol, even living in europe), i imagine another bigger 'behemoth', as you so deftly
and put
it, has a better way of liaising with verisign than you, me or panix.
There is _rollback to the first state in case of any conflicts_ common sense rule, just to prevent liaising. If you purchase domain or transferred it, and I suspended change for a week, it may never make big harm to you.
--- paul galynin