30 Apr
30 Apr
3:44 p.m.
Roland Verlander wrote:
http://spamhaus.org/SBL/sbl.lasso?query=SBL7583 <quote> zombies hosting24-7.org / hostingonus.com / iohosting.us / tiethepen.com (zombie?) is listed on the Register Of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO) database as being assigned to, under the control of, or providing service to a known spam operation run by zombies. Please see the ROKSO spam records for zombies </quote>
Note the question mark for the zombie. Also note that it states clearly that the spammer is known to run zombies, thus all networks are suspect. Personally, I'm more apt to believe that ssc nabbed the domain under false pretenses from rnc. Not that it matters. -Jack