In message <84F8DEBC-C754-4D06-99B0-405CC8A358BD@josephholsten.com>, Joseph Hol sten writes:
On 2012-11-27, at 21:07, Jeroen Massar wrote:
As such, if an application does not do proper IPv6 today the people in charge of the thing simply did not care...
Or do care.=20
Apache Hadoop does not currently support IPv6 networks, it uses IPv4 = addresses for communicating between nodes. This is because Hadoop is = designed to work in private datacenters, which usually have private IP = addresses in the 10.x.x.x address space. =20 =95 Using IPv4 addresses everywhere provides a single form of = TCP addressing for all our tests. Different network configurations (DNS, = reverse DNS, DNS caching) still provide lots of problems and performance = issues, but there is no need to worry about which IP protocol version is = used. =95 Shorter addresses make for shorter packets, which can have a = benefit on busy networks. =20 This does not mean that the Hadoop team thinks that IPv4 is the best = ever network protocol and that there is no reason to upgrade ever, only =
=46rom http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HadoopIPv6: that it works well in datacenters.=20
(Yes, I am technically trolling. But mostly because I don't have the = energy to fight for IPv6 any more. Maybe you do?)
Most of which is just FUD. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org