On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Rodney Joffe wrote: ) A gentle reminder to those of you who use autoresponders when you go on ) vacation - are out of the office - go to the men's/ladies room etc. ) ) DON'T subscribe to NANOG and other lists from these accounts. ) ) Having just been bombarded by a bunch of "I'm out of the office on ) Vacation until January 5th - In case of emergency..." type messages ) after my prior message, I can tell you it's irritating as hell, and ) pretty rude. Actually, this mailing list neither adds in a "Mailing-List: ..." header nor a "Precedence: bulk" header, which are the two easiest ways to spot a modern mailing list. I'd suggest you complain to the mailing list managers, not the poor people whose [most likely] properly configured autoresponders aren't being given the information they should be given. -- Daniel Reed <n@ml.org> Many a false step is made by standing still...