yeah, I agree. this is one of the cases where they "suck more" and I hoped that folks would be able to use the info to make an educated guess as to who might suck less. I'm kind of crazy like that. The last time I tried to warn off unwitting consumers, I ended up spending $50k on legal fees defending myself. http://goldengatevw.com/ For some reason, it think its worth it, but most folks seem to think its off topic and stupid. I give up. matto On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Randy Bush wrote:
My apologies. Apparently I was mistaken when I thought that other network operators might be interested in saving themselves the time and money of buying a broken piece of network equipment, which the manufacturer won't support.
is there any other kind of networking equipment? even the best of the vendors says "we suck less." the internet is about building a scalable reliable network out of unreliable components. unfortunately, most vendors seem to have taken as license. randy --matt@snark.net------------------------------------------<darwin>< The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke