In message <41EC8387-77D2-4F4E-9509-41A3870DA5D8@muada.com>, Iljitsch van Beijn um writes:
On 7-jul-2005, at 0:18, Joe Abley wrote:
With great hindsight it would have been nice if the multi6/shim6 design exercise had come *during* the IPv6 design exercise, rather than afterwards: we might have ended up with a protocol/addressing model that accommodated both the address size problem and also the DFZ state bloat issue. Oh well.
Well, maybe I'm too optimistic here, but I believe that if a real solution to the DFZ problem presents itself, the IETF will bend over backwards and then some to shoehorn it into IP.
There were people who tried, way back when. We were outvoted... (The situation in the IETF has indeed changed.) --Steven M. Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb