On Tue, 20 May 1997, Marc Hurst wrote:
their being operational makes them no less bogus. IANA says who answers for "." and eDNS aint it.
Not only is that restraint of trade, I would like to see you make that defense stay in a court outside of the US.
Yeah, and then we can go after that horrible 800/888 number monopoly http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Factsheets/fs_800.htmlhttp://www.f... http://www.sms800.com And those darn frequency allocations the fcc (aka 'THE MAN') is using to keep us (aka 'THE OPPRESSED') down. I think anyone should be able to make up their own 800 numbers and broadcast on any frequency they wish. I think i'll open a new high powered broadcast station in the public safety band. Hey, its my right! DOWN WITH ORDER, UP WITH PEOPLE! \w0zz