On 05 May 2008 16:07:03 +0000 Paul Vixie <vixie@isc.org> wrote:
But yes, Joe's ISC TechNote is an excellent document, and was a big help in figuring out how to set this up a few years ago.
and now for something completely different -- where in the interpipes could a document like that have been published, vs. ISC's web site? the amount of red tape and delay involved in Usenix or IETF or IEEE or ACM are vastly more than most smart ops people are willing to put in. where is the light / middle weight class, or is every organization or person who wants to publish this kind of thing going to continue to have the exclusive and bad choice of "blog it, or write an article for ;login:/ACM-Queue/Circle-ID, or write an academic paper and wait ten months"? isn't this a job for... NANOG?
I did some checking on this topic a few years ago. The consensus among the people I talked to was that NANOG itself seemed to generate too little that was publishable in a formal way to warrant a specific mechanism. A web site like arxiv is good for some stuff. But -- should there be a link from nanog.org to operational content? Should nanog.org have its own archive? Should there be a peer review process? If not, what should the criteria be for an "official" note of the paper? --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb