On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Florian Weimer wrote:
So why did OpenBSD succeed in their rigorous audit process?
Have they? The list at <http://www.openbsd.org/security.html#37> continues to grow, and nowadays, it seems that only a fraction of those issues have been discovered by the OpenBSD audit process.
Searching for "isakmpd" on that page is pretty instructive as well.
It's all in the public relations and public perception. I'm one of the developers for NetBSD. From what I can see, on average, all the BSDs are about the same when it comes to addressing vulnerabilities. They're almost on par when it comes to preventative measures (but remember, some preventative measures can go too far: OpenBSD has fallen victim to that more than once). The real end-of-the-day tangible difference wrt security is how vocal the project's security team is. OpenBSD "wins" some security discussions only because it's being shouted from rooftops. The act of shouting doesn't make something better by itself. -- -- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com> <todd@vierling.name>