On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:20:28AM -0700, goemon@anime.net wrote:
On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Drew Weaver<drew.weaver@thenap.com> wrote:
Anyone know why SAAVIS would be allowing PEER1 (AS 13768) to advertise routes for whatever IP addresses they want? sadly savvis didn't learn the pccw lesson, which is also the turk-telecom lesson which is also the as7007 lesson which is... fairly sad really in 2009. for the sake of $diety put a prefix-filter on your customer bgp sessions, it ain't hard!
sounds too much like "work" to me. not interested.
The irony is that MCI had (and C&W maintained for quite some time) a functional, highly automated IRR-based customer filtering system [props to the Cary team]. Somewhere along the M&A highway, the work to maintain it was substituted with the work to dismantle it. Sad to see crap emitted with 3561 in the path. -- RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE