For those interested in easy access to the complete summary -- This material may now be found on my web site at http://cookreport.com/10.04.shtml
re gige:
As long as we're discussing reading material, the July 2001 Cook report contains two good interviews on Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM) with Howard Frazier [ex-Cisco, now-Dominet] and WorldWidePacket's Jonathan Thatcher.
10 gige is discussed sporadically throughout, along with three variations of outside plant (Ethernet over UTP, P-P Fiber, and P-MP Fiber PONs, or EPONs) with implications to the greater 'Net's backbone, and other architectural opportunities/implications.
-- **************************************************************** The COOK Report on Internet, 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA (609) 882-2572 (phone & fax) cook@cookreport.com Index to 9 years of the COOK Report at http://cookreport.com For info on new report go to http://cookreport.com/lightipgige.shtml . 'Light IP & Gig E" serves as tutorial on on going economic model of Internet infrastructure - $375.00 ****************************************************************