Revolution? Love Change? Oh contraire. What this invites is -INSTABILITY-. Something those of us with real customers to answer to don't appreciate. Perhaps you should move this drivel to a list populated by 31337 warez dudes. You may find your revolution there -- however, I have serious doubts that any of them even know what bind is, let alone how to changed root.cache. | Derek Elder http://www.accessus.net V.P., CIO | | djelder@accessus.net accessU.S., Inc. 888-637-3638 Ext. 222 | On Sun, 24 Nov 1996, Bob Allisat wrote:
Paul A Vixie wrote:
Your desire to make a distinction between "popular" and "actual" is dishonest, misleading, ugly, and rude. There are exactly nine root name servers. Not "popular" root name servers - 9 SERVERS, total:
Paul - your peculiar brand of orthodox and narrowly defined reality are not in line with the fluidic and creative nature of the Internet IMHO. Should the people choose to circumvent these silly bottlenecks they will. And then you can rave all you want. My experience is that the citizans of the internet like revolution and love change. And you're sounding awful reactionary and even counter-revolutionary, Paul...
Bob Allisat
PO Box 191 Station E Toronto Canada M6H 4E2 (416) 588-0670