On 3-Oct-2007, at 1038, <michael.dillon@bt.com> wrote:
However, if there was a reasonable translation mechanism available which allowed IPv6-only end systems to access IPv4-only content, I think the picture would look quite different.
Doesn't deploying a 6to4 relay in the content provider network, along with IPv6 access to the content provider network, exactly meet this requirement?
Oh, now that I actually *read* your text, you're talking about use of 6to4 in content providers, not end systems. Sorry for not noticing that when I replied just now :-) 6to4 (for content- or access-focussed networks) is surely a solution to the problem of "I have no good way to acquire IPv6 transit"; it's not a solution to the problem of deploying dual-stack across content- serving infrastructure, or the problem of there being near zero demand for IPv6 content, given that the number of existing IPv6-only clients is effectively zero. Joe