another good idea is to design a migration path to ipv6 so that people using hte internet can also use the ipv6-internet. that would be cool. we should probably think about some migration path other than the pretty obviously implausible "dual stack" silliness before this stuff actually becomes a necessity, otherwise lots of people will end up spinning their wheels trying to figure out how to "convince people" to use a non-internet-connected protocol rather than just keeping on using ipv4. i'll bet some smart people are already on that problem, though. keep me posted! :-) t On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 4:37 PM, David Hubbard < dhubbard@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
Had an idea the other day; we just need someone with a lot of cash (google, apple, etc) to buy Netflix and then make all new releases v6-only for the first 48 hours. I bet my lame Brighthouse and Fios service would be v6-enabled before the end of the following week lol.