This was just mentioned on a CNN chatboard: quote from the board: So Ameer Bukhari, student pilot, from Vero Beach, Florida was killed in a plane crash on 9-11-00 and Ameer Bukhari from Vero Beach, Florida hijacked a plane and crashed it into the WTC/Pentagon/rural area on 9-11-01? What is going on? The first link is to a cincinatti newspaper, scroll down and read about the plane crash. Check out the 2 articles. http://enquirer.com/editions/2000/09/13/loc_tristate_a_m_report.html http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/09/12/investigation.terrorism -- Mathias Körber |2385 Bay Road |Tel:+1-650-381.6044|Fax:+1-650-381.6055 Sr. Consult. Engr. |Redwood City |Direct Fax/Voicemail:+1-240-368.1170 Nominum, Inc. |CA 94063, USA |Private: Mobile:+65-9815.7807 mathias@nominum.com|www.nominum.com|E:mathias@koerber.org|Fax/Vmail:+1-801-650.9591