In message <1496754899.2014592.1000384072.3E55368A@webmail.messagingengine.com>, Scott Christopher writes:
Hank Nussbacher wrote:
2. Create a domain called acme-corp.com and a user called peering
Or one could register aсme.com
(If the reader can't tell the difference between acme.com and aсme.com , the reader is using one of the multitude of email clients and/or fonts that presents Unicode poorly.)
3. Contact an IX, preferably not one in a Westernized, clueful area: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_exchange_points
I don't think the ordinary Westernized IX is immune to this. Any system requiring human scrutiny is only as secure as the laziest human employed by it. Don't underestimate the "too busy to check this crap" attitude and its potential for serious problems.
-- Regards, S.C.
Route hijacking is theoretically preventable. You have machines verify the bonifides. This does require that people take the time to get the bonifides machines can process but we do have the tech to do this. Now we could continue discussing how easy it is to hijack addresses of we could spend the time addressing the problem. All it takes is a couple of transit providers to no longer accept word-of-mouth and the world will transition overnight. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org