In message <eqDe49GvPSTNFAnW@perry.co.uk>, Roland Perry writes:
In article <F432E474-9725-4159-870A-D5432FE6EE4D@delong.com>, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> writes
What is important with IPv6 is to teach the generation of hammer-wielding mechanics who have grown up rarely seeing a screw and never knowing that there were wrenches that there are new tools available in IPv6. That screws or nuts and bolts can usually be superior to nails. That screws, nuts, and bolts work better if you install them with a screw driver or a wre nch. That small brads lack structural integrity and that lag screws or bolts prov ide a superior structural hold when installed properly. That attempting to hamme r every screw into a NAT-hole will destroy both the screw and the NAT-hole in most cases.
This is all very true, but doesn't qualify (for my small-enterprise target audience) as "not noticing the difference" when the upstream network swaps from IPv4 to IPv6.
It won't be a swap. Even when the local ISP can only deliver IPv6 they will still be able to get IPv4. There will be business which just deliver IPv4 to IPv6 only connected customers whether they need server support or client support or both. The software to do this is already written.
I wonder what's the best way to get them up the necessary learning curve?
Turn on IPv6 native or tunnel. Populate the IP6.ARPA space with individual PTR records for the machines. Add matching AAAA records. The outbound side should just work. Next you add AAAA records for all the services you offer after testing them.
[Maybe I should write a book about it] -- Roland Perry
-- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org