Don't be so sure. What probably _would_ police these willy-nilly announcements, however, are prefix-length filters on the various ISP routers. :-) And again, this could certainly lend itself to folks sic'ing their lawyers on eacvh other in the name of anti-competitive lawsuits. A mess ensues that I don't think any of us wishes to see happen. - ferg -- <andrew2@one.net> wrote:
Another somewhat important point is that we also need to conserve routing entries. If you make a market for addresses without regard to routability, you risk creating a situation where you flood the world with /32's. No thanks.
I would think that would tend to police itself. Even now with things as they are you're going to have serious reachability problems if you try to announce anything smaller than a /24. And if routing tables suddenly explode, I'd expect that threshold to quickly move in reaction. -- "Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson Engineering Architecture for the Internet fergdawg(at)netzero.net ferg's tech blog: http://fergdawg.blogspot.com/