Francois: Should your email have also included a French interpretation as well? Sincerely, Lorell Hathcock ----------------------------------------------------- Francois : Votre email devrait-il avoir également inclus une interprétation française aussi bien ? Sincèrement, Lorell Hathcock -----Original Message----- From: Francois Menard [mailto:francois@menards.ca] Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 3:51 PM To: nanog list Subject: DPI or Flow Management The Coalition of Internet Service Providers has filed a substantial contribution at the CRTC stating: 1) The CRTC should forbid DPI, as it cannot be proven to be 98.5% effective at trapping P2P, such as to guarantee congestion relief 2) The CRTC should allow for other forms of traffic management by ISPs, such as Flow Management http://www.crtc.gc.ca/public/partvii/2008/8646/c12_200815400/1029835.zip This is part of the public record at the following address: http://www.crtc.gc.ca/PartVII/eng/2008/8646/c12_200815400.htm The world will see Canada taking head-on the issue of addressing the legitimacy of DEEP PACKET INSPECTION as a mean of properly managing an incumbent's network behind the unbundling/peering interface. NANOG cannot pretend that this debate does not take place and remain silent on this. Best regards, F. -- François D. Ménard francois@menards.ca