So cmon, forget the statement, anyone know what actually happened.. ? Steve On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Pete Templin wrote:
Are you sure no one died as a result? My hobby is volunteering as a firefighter and EMT. If Level3's network sits between a dispatch center or mobile data terminal and a key resource, it could be a factor (hospital status website, hazardous materials action guide, VoIP link that didn't reroute because the control plane was happy but the forwarding plane was sad, etc.).
And if the problem could happen to another network tomorrow but could be prevented or patched, wouldn't inquiring minds want to know? Your life might be more interesting when the fit hits the shan if you have the same vulnerability.
Colin Neeson wrote:
Because, in the the grand scale scheme of things, it's really not that important.
No one died because of it, the normal, everyday events of the world went on, unaffected by a Level 3 outage...
Might be nice to know what happened, but my life will certainly not be less interesting by not having that knowledge...