On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Brad Knowles wrote:
At 5:13 PM -0500 2002/08/13, Blake Fithen wrote:
Is this sensitive info? Couldn't someone (theoretically) aim a "beam" at an unoccupied office and another at their objective office then filter out the 'noise'?
Actually, I don't know for sure how it's implemented. They may have separate sound streams for each window. Moreover, this was a few years ago (I left in 1995), and there may have been changes since then. It would certainly be a lot easier to use individual speakers fed by electrical wiring, than pumping a lot of air around from a central location.
Even easier is to glue a piezoelectric transducer to the glass and feed it some noise modulated to look like speech from a gadget which may cost entire $30 in parts. Detecting IR laser emissions and sounding alarm is also a good idea :) --vadim