On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 08:00:10PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 11:59:15AM +0200, Peter Dambier wrote:
I means, here in germany we cannot see h.root-servers.net
Nonsense. There is nothing like "geopolitical routing".
I wouldn't call it "geopolitical routing", "routing according to local policy" is more appropriate. And it's quite common (especially in Germany, for quite a few reasons).
He talked about "here in germany". "germany" is a nonexistant entity in BGP and global routing. You cannot talk about observation of connectivity problems with location specification in terms of "countries".
DREN seems to have a problem there.
Not clear to me. A traceroute with the wrong protocol (i.e. not 53/UDP nor 53/TCP) is not particularly enlightening.
I did the traces myself, with dest port 53. I'm not stupid (at least not that much). Given that DREN is the operator of the root server, and the trace ends _within_ DREN, it's highly likely that the problem is inside DREN. Anyway, even that can be filtered by a firewall with protocol inspection, and the actual problem can be on the path back. This is why I said "seems to be", not "is". Regards, Daniel -- CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr@cluenet.de -- dr@IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0