On Mar 16, 2016, at 11:43 , Mark Tinka <mark.tinka@seacom.mu> wrote:
On 16/Mar/16 17:41, Christopher Morrow wrote:
my guess is the same as Owen's ... 'your rfq don't mean squat'. honestly it's not like people don't ask their cogent sales folk for this sort of thing, it's just not cogent's (clearly, given how long the HE/Cogent thing along has persisted) way of doing things.
Sometimes your belief system just isn't theirs.
The first time I considered buying from Cogent was out of One Wilshire, back in 2010. I did a 1-month PoC with them.
The global IPv6 BGP table was around 2,500 routes then. Cogent had only 100 or so, IIRC. I told them I would not sign with them due to this.
Fast-forward to 2012, nothing much had changed when they tried to get me to buy from them again (out of London, this time), and I told them why. Then in 2014, they tracked me down again and confirmed they then had a full IPv6 BGP table. So I added them to my network (out of Amsterdam).
Please confirm that you in fact are receiving 174 * 6939 IPv6 paths from them? Seems unlikely to me. Owen