If you're a small pacific island nation state with a limited budget, and a working submarine cable, maintaining a SCPC geostationary satellite service that might be $20,000 a month (on 36-60 month term) in transponder kHz may seem like a very large ongoing expense. Ideally it would be possible to keep a backup circuit operating in a very narrow section of kHz during normal times. Along with the contractual ability to significantly expand it on demand, but more capacity on the same satellite/same polarity without physical reconfiguration of the remote end earth station may not always be possible. On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 at 15:50, Scott Weeks <surfer@mauigateway.com> wrote:
--- jra@baylink.com wrote: From: "Jay R. Ashworth" <jra@baylink.com>
This piece:
drills down to this piece with slightly more detail:
I'm told their national carrier is trying to bring in a ground station as well, though not whom it will connect to. --------------------------------------------------------------
It's hard to imagine they don't have a lot of Kacific Terminals or other satellite connectivity there.
That's what most of the South Pacific uses and all used before the cables were laid. Maybe the journalists missed that like they miss things when talking about our stuff?