The original inquiry was aimed at comcast's Ethernet service, which no one has actually responded to and the whole thread turned south from there.
Does any one here use comcast's ethernet services? If so, what is their price range?
Thanks in advance.
-----Original Message----- From: mike [mailto:mike-nanog@tiedyenetworks.com] Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 10:15 AM Cc: NANOG list Subject: Consumer broadband please move (was:Re: comcast price check) Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 11:52:23 -0500 Steven King <sking@kingrst.com> wrote:
I can't even get reliable home cable internet service from them. No way I would ever consider using them for transit. I would only consider a stub peer with them to help out the poor Comcast customers who are also trying to get to my data centers.
Guys, I mean no offense, but this discussion probabbly belongs on a home user oriented forum like broadbandreports.com or similar.