drc writes:
Micro-allocations and filtering are treating symptoms. The underlying disease (rational route announcement policy)
I agree with David's analysis of the problem right up to this point; from my pespective the underlying disease is the route convergence/routing table growth issue. The route announcement policy's rationality has to be judged in the light of this greater pathology. It *is* the real problem, though, and we have to keep it in mind to understand that any invocation of market forces, draconian filters, or community-mindedness only delays the progress of the underlying pathology. In a sense, they too are symptoms, however rational they may appear in today's lights. Or as Randy puts, we're playing whack-a-mole here, and we're doing it knowing it only buys us time. The underlying problem is real, and it will take time to develop a real solution. Encourage your vendors to participate in the appropriate working groups, tell them you'll spend money on products that fix it, and be ready as an operator to help debug potential solutions. It's important. End of pleading.... regards, Ted (Not speaking for Equinix; speaking for David. No wait, I meant *to* David.)