On 3/1/23 15:56, Jared Brown wrote:
On 2/28/23, Pascal Masha wrote:
How much will these cost? ADVA said 4ish grand each. Probably less than five.
- Jared
So delayed again, as I understand it, due to challenges in achieving the power class targets, especially for the high-power (0dB) one (Acacia are the supplier). I am hearing the low-power one (-4.0dB) should be GA shipping in August. No idea when the high-power version will ship. Considering 100G QSFP28-ZR4 can be had for chips nowadays, it will be interesting to see where the 100G QSFP28-ZR+ coherent lands price-wise, especially outside of use-cases where operators want long-haul IPoDWDM links in routers/switches that don't support QSFP-DD just yet. I have come across these on Google in recent months: https://www.fibermall.com/sale-460651-qsfp28-dco-100g-coherent-transceiver.h... https://www.epsglobal.com/products/transceivers/qsfp28/100g-zr-qsfp28-digita...) Not sure if anyone has deployed them in the field and has feedback, but the words on the tin seem to be making the right noises. Whether anyone is actually using them in the wild as intended remains to be seen. Mark.