On 02/28/2015 07:33 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
Until yesterday, there were no network neutrality rules, not for spam or for anything else. There still aren't any network neutrality rules, until the FCC makes
On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 8:34 AM, John R. Levine <johnl@iecc.com> wrote: [...] the documents public, which they haven't yet.
The rules themselves are public. The area of uncertainty is whether the Report and Order will pull in more rules than just the newly published 47CFR§8. For instance, there's 47CFR§6 which deal with 'telecommunications' carriers and the ADA. But as far as net neutrality is concerned, the actual rules dealing with the gist of it are embodied in 47CFR§8 "Preserving the Open Internet." Link to the eCFR page on it was posted elsewhere on the list.