On Sun, 10 Feb 2019, Tony Wicks wrote:
Certainly the devil is in the details, in New Zealand the access layer (GPON plus local transport) is largely regulated. Then Retail service providers buy the access component wholesale and add layer3, national backhaul etc. Retail for unlimited 1G/500M internet is about $75USD/month, for 100/50 you are looking at about 50USD/month. Key to this was the breakup of the incumbent into an access plus retail provider. This was done by allowing power (lines) companies in a few regions to win the access component contract.
The general going rate for a 250/100 in Sweden is around 35EUR for the kind of service where you can then choose any ISP. Typically the first-mile provider takes the bulk of this money. In the cases where the proprty is on STOKAB fiber footprint (or equivalent) and you have a reasonably large MDU the landlord can contract an ISP to deliver ETTH to all apartments (typically CAT6 from switch in basement) where the going rate per apartment is around 5-15EUR a month for something like 100/100, 1G/100M or 1G/1G. All of this with *PON nowhere to be seen. It's all AE over fiber or CAT5/6/7. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se