I had this same problem with removing an OrgName from a contact handle. It had a company name in it, and I was no longer with the company, and since the handle was "mine", I wanted the company name off. According to NSI, once a field is filled it can only be replaced, not deleted. So my suggestion would be to put NSI's fax number in there (the normal one, that being the one whose faxes always seem to get lost anyway). That way, NSI gets all the junk-faxes you would receive, and if they don't like it, maybe they can just figure out how to run a DB and delete the data?
Why haven't you answered the question posed to you privately about why I can't remove the fax number from my contact handle, SJS5?
If you're not the proper person to talk to, at least (a) tell me, or (b) forward the question to someone who can answer it.