On 18 Aug 2021, at 10:33, Lars Prehn <lprehn@mpi-inf.mpg.de <mailto:lprehn@mpi-inf.mpg.de>> wrote:
As I understand by now, it is highly recommended to set a max-prefix limit for peering sessions. Yet, I can hardly find any recommendations on how to arrive at a sensible limit.
I guess for long standing peers one could just eyeball it, e.g., current prefix count + some safety margin. How does that work for new peers? Do you negotiate/exchange sensible values whenever you establish a new session? Do you rely on PeeringDB (if available)? Do you apply default values to everyone except the big fishes?
Apart from your peers, do you also apply a limit to your transit sessions?
We always use PeeringDB data and refuse to peer with networks not in PeeingDB ( I think there are only 2 exceptions ) Automation keeps the max_prefix numbers up to date. Our transits we use data from the weekly routing table reports and allow some expansion room. So far this works for us Regards Steve