On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 Michael.Dillon@radianz.com wrote:
I'm skeptical that a model that only sort of works for under 30K ASNs and maybe 1K bilateral peering agreements for the *really* big Tier-1s won't scale to a world that has 40M+ .com domains and probably a million SMTP servers.
Well the way that I see this scaling is that you have a core of email service providers who are members of the Internet Mail Services Association.
The business world simply doesn't work that way. Ever heard of the phrase "Standards are great -- there's so many of them to choose from!"?
These core operators sign up to a multilateral mail peering agreement and provide email transit services for other operators.
The next layer is the non-core email service providers who have bilateral mail peering agreements with one or more core email transport providers.
Contrary to what you said before, this *IS* the UUCP model in a nutshell. It has been done before, it does not scale, and it does not fit the way business works today. -- -- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com>