On 2020-03-24 18:59, Randy Bush wrote:
He's a network operator. From North America, on the North American Network Operators mailing list. Something you are not, so please stop spouting your drivel on a list that has nothing to do with you.
this is not how we should act in under pressure +1
NANOG very often inspired me and my friends as the best example of the discussion, process of solving various problems related to internet in general. And now everybody around the world got major, similar problem. And someone now says, go away from here, is this a maillist for North American operators? If this is really decision supported by the majority(which i doubt), i would like to know that. For example, a reminder that the VPN is very poorly balanced over LAG - was very useful. And like this short message about South Africa was highly useful for my country of residence, Lebanon, too. We are under full, quite severe lock-down, with fines, checkpoints and etc. Several ISPs here who kept NOC support (single person) near server room, in office - got fined too, as usual businesses, because there is no such regulation to allow them to run. This is terrible, because in such circumstances ISP cannot continue to provide reliable service, and their customers without internet might not keep isolation. Therefore, I carefully read this group, how everyone solves similar problems. And this is why, how is it solved in North America or other countries or regions can be an example for other countries.