Matt Bazan wrote:
why in the world would anyone want to purchase dsl from a private reseller when i can get 4mb down 384 up from comcast for $25? think you dsl resellers out there are doomed. in fact, just a matter of time before most of you isps are down the toilet. im reminded of the mom and pop grocery store phenomenon that has now been replaced by the kohls, a&p, whole foods etc. of course there will always be niche markets but this is less applicable for a pure commodity like bandwidth. yeah, i suppose you'll say something about value added services and such and you may have a point but i doubt that will keep the ship afloat for long.
If/When the internet splits into the bad neighborhood/good neighborhood and-never-the-twain-shall-meet, there are strong odds that the comcasts,sbc, and all mass providers to clueless users will not be on the clean side of the breakup. Either that or their costs will go up. Or everyone elses will go down. How about refer to the constant threads which always touch upon the differentation to be made for these market model targets. pure transit managed transit pur access managed access residential <---- comcast is here. managed residential There are hundereds of things you can call up small dsl providers and ask for. Assuming clue and enable, they can generally give you if not what you want, then what you need. For example: Try calling up sbc and getting urpf turned off for a specific prefix and having them do IGP default announcements so that when their dsl goes down you will prefer a different link automatically. How many large market pppoe providers support ppp multilink? Its hardly a foregone conclusion. As it stands, the largest cause of broadband market aggregation is the erosion of "fair access" provisions and a sleeping(drunk?)-at-the-wheel FCC. Joe