On Tue, 29 May 2007 michael.dillon@bt.com wrote:
For core links it should IMHO be mostly possible to keep them IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack.
What's wrong with MPLS in the core and 6PE at the edge?
Right there you have two possible tactics that are worthy of being publicly discussed and compared.
stewart bamford gave a good presentation about this very thing 4 nanogs ago (or maybe 5)> There are some support issues to keep in mind of course.
For Cable systems only recently the Docsis 3.0 standard was released and that would still require a lot of upgrades. Tunneling those users might be a way to provide IPv6 connectivity to these users without much ado.
Cable is a consumer access technology. Realistically, IPv6 is going to kick off with deployments to research, education and business users, not consumers. Cable will catch up in their own good time as they are driven to IPv6 by RFC 1918 exhaustion.
what's interesting is the chicken/egg problem of users/content/ipv6. What's driving v6 deployment?