On Sat, 21 Mar 1998, Dean Anderson wrote:
Perhaps we need to have a way to authenticate and limit who can get phone numbers and email addresses from the whois database, in order to prevent the kind of harassment and abuse apparently exercised by Mr. Robb.
If you don't send or sponsor unsolicited commercial email or websites for them, then what are you afraid of? Providers who act responsibly on complaints of theft of electronic services (unsolicited commercial email) by dropping email accounts and/or websites don't appear to get "this kind of harassment" - It is usually reserved for those rogue ISP's who refuse to act upon complaints and continue to do business with spammer-thiefs. Since you claim to be a "responsible" ISP this shouldn't be a problem for you. You HAVE been a responsible ISP, haven't you? Or do you knowlingly sponsor websites for spammers or send out spam yourself? Methinks he doth protesteth too much. - James D. Wilson netsurf@sersol.com