3 Jul
3 Jul
8:31 a.m.
On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 1:00 PM, David Hofstee <david@mailplus.nl> wrote:
About #3... I had a little discussion on abuse-wg@RIPE a while ago about keeping records up to date and relevant. See below.
Nobody at RIPE cares much at the moment (to actually pick up this subject). Maybe they need a push with a TerexRH400.
You get a lot of network and DNS types and maybe 1% of them will be concerned with the mechanics of abuse prevention - that's the other group down the hall, and "they are not the internet police". Ah well .. maybe that's better than hamfisted lanham act takedowns of whitehat dynamic dns providers - but those are two extremes. --srs -- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)