I just spoke to the real audio guys. They will zoom in during the next break. In general it's difficult to get quality pictures since the lighting situation is suboptimal. At 01:44 PM 2/9/98 -0700, Dax Kelson wrote:
RealVideo is working now. Could someone please move/zoom the camera so that RealVideo users can read the overhead screen (and see the speaker). With the current camera position there is no advantage to the RealVideo vs. RealAudio stream.
Dax Kelson Internet Connect, Inc.
-----Original Message----- From: Sean M. Doran <smd@clock.org> To: smd@clock.org <smd@clock.org>; srh@merit.edu <srh@merit.edu> Cc: nanog@merit.edu <nanog@merit.edu> Date: Monday, February 09, 1998 1:44 PM Subject: Re: Real audio broadcast
Still no video/audio, real or otherwise...