Long time ago (10+ years, Randy, others, correct me if I'm wrong) Japan had the vision and strategy for embracing IPv6 to assume a leadership position in the data telecommunications market. I remember how often during our (VRIO) IPO due diligence and later when the company became part of NTT, IPv6 was on every single conversation and plans. IPv6 was a must know, must do, must have. They knew and understood from the begining, yeah it is not a perfect protocol, yeah it is does not provide "security" per se, yeah many will start a catfight about NAT and other stuff, no it is not a conspiracy from router vendors to sell you more gear. IPv4 address space is a finite resource and sooner or later we will run out of it, then the earlier we prepare for its replacement the better. Meanwhile as you said, for others long term vision means the next quarter. Jorge