On Oct 20, 2010, at 9:30 PM, Graham Beneke wrote:
On 21/10/2010 02:41, Owen DeLong wrote:
On Oct 20, 2010, at 5:21 PM, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
Someone advised me to use GUA instead of ULA. But since for my purposes this is used for an IPv6 LAN would ULA not be the better choice?
IMHO, no. There's no disadvantage to using GUA and I personally don't think ULA really serves a purpose. If you want to later connect this LAN to the internet or something that connects to something that connects to something that connects to the internet or whatever, GUA provides the following advantages: + Guaranteed uniqueness (not just statistically probable uniqueness) + You can route it if you later desire to
Since ULA offers no real advantages, I don't really see the point.
Someone insisted to me yesterday the RFC1918-like address space was the only way to provide a 'friendly' place for people to start their journey in playing with IPv6. I think that the idea of real routable IPs on a lab network daunts many people.
They should get less daunted. You can always put a firewall with a deny all policy or an air-gap in front of it if you don't want to talk to the internet.
I've been down the road with ULA a few years back and I have to agree with Owen - rather just do it on GUA.
I was adding IPv6 to a fairly large experimental network and started using ULA. The local NREN then invited me to peer with them but I couldn't announce my ULA to them. They are running a 'public Internet' network and have a backbone that will just filter them.
Uh huh. Now, imagine if, instead of a small experimental deployment, you had a fortune 500 enterprise and instead of an NREN it was an ISP for whom you were a major customer... Any bets on which side of that equation gets the policy change?
I think that the biggest thing that trips people up is that they think that they'll just fix-it-with-NAT to get onto the GUA Internet. Getting your own GUA from an RIR isn't tough - rather just do it.
I completely agree. Owen