20 May
20 May
4:59 p.m.
There is a fiber cut in NYC affecting AT&T/TCG and MFS DS3s, possibly more. This is a confirmed cut as it is affecting my voice traffic right now, not sure if it affecting any Internet traffic but I wouldn't be surprised. The ETR was 5 to 6 hours @ ~7:30 AM EDT, 5/20/99, which means it should be fixed by now, but I have not gotten the "all clear" yet. (I know you are all amazed that a fiber cut takes longer to repair than the original estimate.) I can't believe I beat Sean.... :) TTFN, patrick I Am Not An Isp - www.ianai.net ISPF, The Forum for ISPs by ISPs, <http://www.ispf.com> "Think of it as evolution in action." - Niven & Pournelle (No, I still don't have enable.)