Agreed, I noticed the single IX as well and asked them about it in my email. If they don't expand aggressively in the next ~6 months, they're going to have a very problematic launch. On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 5:59 PM Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> wrote:
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019, Ross Tajvar wrote:
Yeah, I'm going to send them an email and see if I can get ahold of their peering policy. I'm hoping they will update it as they get more attention from other networks. They may just be procrastinating setting things up. According to bgp.he.net they are only announcing one v4 /24 and one v6 /48, which could be enough IPs, but seems a little on the small side.
I'd be much more worried about only being on one IX than only advertising a single /24 and /48. I'm guessing they've just not fully fleshed out the peeringdb entry and maybe not fully built out the network infrastructure yet. A CDN, with everything coming from one POP in NY is not going to cut it.
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