1 Mar
1 Mar
1:35 a.m.
Randy Bush wrote:
Nope, I-90 crosses Mercer Island and is East-West towards Boston. I-5 is North-South and runs through downtown Seattle.
and i95 is where they meet. locals know it as the additive interchange. we tried a multiplicative interchange, but the packet loss was too great due to the limited size of the signs.
I dunno, "I-450" would fit on a highway sign just fine.... or "Exit 450"... -- Steven J. Sobol/CTO/JustThe.net LLC | sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net SAY IT LOUD: I'M GEEK AND I'M PROUD! | 888.480.4NET (4638) 216.619.2NET (2638) http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net | http://ClevelandProductions.com http://JustThe.net | Powered by Linux, pizza, Coke, Cuervo, and cheap beer.