On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 08:21:13AM -0500, Jeff Ogden wrote:
So what is the real story here? Is all, most, some of our international Internet traffic being intercepted by various governments? Is it only international traffic that is at issue or is domestic traffic within the US subject to routine eavesdropping without a court order?
i have been operating under the assumption that someone, somewhere could be listening in on the traffic of the internet. it could be government (local or foreign). it could be a script kiddie that managed to weasel into a core facility without being noticed. it could be an employee of a core facility doing it on a whim. these days i don't imagine it would be difficult to weed through the traffic and narrow the focus down to individual users or groups of users. i guess the trick is to make sure that you don't become a target. either don't say/do anyting that would make you a target or become more vigilent about using ssh/pgp/ssl/etc/etc in your communications. -- [ Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 506-0654 ] [ Reptilian Research -- Longer Life through Colder Blood ] [ Don't be fooled by cheap Finnish imitations; BSD is the One True Code. ]