Question 1: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve." Who said that and in what circumstance? (Difficulty 6). Answer 1: Japanese Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, commenting on the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor (1941). Probably no truer words were ever spoken. The sneak attack that decimated the Pacific Fleet also unified the American people like no other single event in its history. From that point forward, the fascist powers were doomed. Source: Pearl Harbor, a Life Magazine Collector's Edition
If whoever bothered to invent that pseudo-quotation bothered to learn hitory of WWII, he'd know that most military action had seen no American involvement at all. The widely regarded as the turning point of WWII was Stalingrad battle, after which Red Army began the advancement on all fronts.
if we restrict that particular comment made by a japanese admiral, regarding the attack on on pearl harbor and the effect it had on the us/japan portion of ww2, to the theater in which it applies (the us/japan portion of ww2), then it's not really a pseudo-quotation. i doubt very much that the japanese admiral was thinking that now that the us had become interested in participating in ww2, the us would end the war. i imagine he was just considering the effects the us would have on japan. -- |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| codewarrior@daemon.org * "ah! i see you have the internet twofsonet@graffiti.com (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" andrew@crossbar.com * "information is power -- share the wealth."