Hello again, I've heard a lot of encouraging things on this list in response to my previous inquiries about VoIP - hoping you can help me out again. In order to cut costs in our telecom budget I'm toying with the idea of replacing a lot of our inter-office leased lines with VPN connections over the public Internet. (I've got a lot of experience doing this in major production environments so I'm aware of the gotchas in this scenario.) My general method is to create IPsec-encrypted GRE tunnels between sites and then treat them as true virtual circuits; i.e., I run OSPF over the tunnel and exchange dynamic routing information, blah-de-blah. Assume for the moment that latency and bandwidth are not an issue; e.g., any two points that will be exchanging voice data will both have transit from the same provider with an aggressive SLA. Does anyone have any experience running VoIP over such tunnels? Is there a technical reason why this solution is not feasible? Are Cisco routers not happy doing VoIP/IPsec/GRE in concert? Thanks as always, C.