Alexander Bochmann writes on 12/2/2003 2:05 PM:
If some of the large Email providers like Outblaze, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc. could agree on a more integrated approach to implement at least some form of sender authorization - possibly in the line of the RMX RR draft[1] - as a service to the public, the aggressive MX callbacks would perhaps be made redundant...
There are just too many RMX proposals around. Once some of them get consolidated, it will be a good idea to adopt the best and most popularly accepted one. At least now that ASRG has some good new leadership with John Levine stepping in as co-chair (Yakov has always been doing a great job) I hope things move forward :) By the way there will be a panel on the different proposals during the conference track on spam that we at apcauce.org are organizing at APRICOT 2004 (www.apricot2004.net). Speakers include Dave Crocker and Meng Weng Wong (the originator of spf) srs -- srs (postmaster|suresh)@outblaze.com // gpg : EDEDEFB9 manager, outblaze.com security and antispam operations