For the curious... Paul Baer continued working for BBN after they swallowed BARRNet, although he, I mean I, ended up as a telecommuter supporting their national operations rather than their Western Region. After some time as a proposal writer and a sales support engineer, I have spent the last 12 months as a product manager in their Internet Advantage (connectivity services) group. I was living in State College, PA until Dec. of 1995, at which time my partner and I moved to New Orleans (where she is teaching at Tulane University). This fall I will be returning to graduate school at LSU in Baton Rouge, enrolling in their Environmental Planning and Management program to study ecological economics, a relatively new field that is attempting to draw some recognition to the fact that the human economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the ecosphere. --Paul Baer
From: Rob Gutierrez <rmg@ranma.com> Subject: re: the original thirteen NSFNET regionals To: nanog@merit.edu Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 16:40:00 -0700 (PDT) Organization: The Ranma Project X-Comment: The Ranma Project used to subtitle Japanese cartoons MIME-Version: 1.0 Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu
Does anyone remember the NSF-sponsored regional networks? Can you fix this table--this is off the top of my head so I am missing a few networks.
Does NSI (NASA Science Internet) qualify as one of those? Yeah, it was 1989 when it started (Hi Milo!), but ... :)
Name Region NOC was or is at Now
BARRnet Bay Area Stanford? Berkeley? BBN WR ^SU then E. Bayshore Rd., Palo Alto
The "NOC" (cough) was in Pine Hall at Stanford next to long-timer Ron Roberts office. After the BBN buyout, NOC duties were officially given to BBN Cambridge, somewhat bypassing the E. Bayshore/Palo Alto NOC office. The western region NOC was supposed to open up (under the capable hands of Chris Tsuboi, now with @Home), but time factors never gave Chris the chance before his departure from BBN-WR. All calls went to Cambridge and were referred to Chris as needed. The NOC office is/was still there as a showcase to visitors in the large conference room.
And ...
Network Contact in 1990, where are they now?
Paul Baer was part of the original BARRNet admin staff when William "Bill" Yundt got the ball rolling. Paul came over to BBN after the buyout on a consultant basis, but I don't know if he has stayed on at this present day. Bill Yundt also came over to the BBN side, then went onward with Web TV Networks.
John Rugo was running NEARNet when he was asked to run BARRNet after the buyout. After a 2-3 year stint in that position, he went on to be on the senior management team at Cisco in their then new ISP group.
The only people left from the original BARRNet at BBN-WR is Vince Fuller and Bill Yundt's admin, Nora Lundin.