carl, tony kapela (email me for his email address or you may find it in the nanog mailing list archives)) has engineered the most succesful wireless access at nanog in recent years. he did a lightning talk about some of the challenges at nanog STL (http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0610/lightning.html) that was detailed and useful. it details (down the the config sample) how to deploy a usable 802.11 network for a bunch of geeks requiring usable ssh, a mixture of 802.11b/g and still running bittorent. it's fabulously good stuff and worthy of more attention than it got at the lightning talk level. i have been utterly unsuccessful at recruited a general-session talk from tony for nanog toronto, but one might hope that public praise combined with public shaming may work some wonders for nanog in may. :-) in any case, he is a fantastic resource for this kind of wireless data engineering. look at the video of the lightning talk, read the preso. t. On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 07:45:38PM -0600, Carl Karsten wrote:
Hi list,
I just read over: http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0302/ppt/joel.pdf because I am on the PyCon ( http://us.pycon.org ) team and last year the hotel supplied wifi for the 600 attendees was a disaster (they probably were not expecting every single one to have and use a laptop the whole time). Joel's pdf was for a conference in 2002 or 3, so I am hoping much has changed. But from what I have found, I think my hopes may be just a dream.
Does anyone have any advice or URLs of more recent case studdies in supplying wifi for 600 laptop wielding geeks?
Carl K
ps, Google is one of our sponsors, and I see that they want to be the next inertube or something - maybe we can get them to do it :)
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