Nanog, Before we begin to retire into the slow holiday mode of operation, I would like to offer this simple thought as a word of caution for those engaged in internetworking discussions. Last week, someone asked a valid question about pending and potential problems with aggregation and address space portability issues. The initial response was a statement validating that concern with hopes of a developing a fruit bearing discussion on this very controversial " in the closet " topic. The public process then followed the common disturbing direction that always clouds the issues (especially on the potential non-technical problems of aggregation) and effectively destroyed any prospect of meaningful interchange. I kindly caution many on this list, as internetworking topics are discussed related to Internet operations, *not* to be seduced by those skillful at pedantic discussions that obfuscate any controversial position that they disagree. Especially on the Internet, many are seduced by those who obfuscate the facts by pedantic side discussions and this important list is no exception. For those of you who are not familar with the English word "pedant" I kindly include a short blurb from Websters dictionary. pedant, n. 1. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate show of learning. 2. a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details.... I kindly caution those unfamiliar with pedantic postings and the use of pedanticism on mailing lists to understand when to recognize these email postings and responses that tend to be pedantic in nature. Pedanticism can be used very effectively to seduce the public into refocusing the discussion from a logical argument that cannot be won nor argued convincingly, to one that is tangential to the topic. Often these pedantic responses clearly and effectively allow the poster to change the subject and then demonstrate their "knowledge" in a tangential or related subject area which they are well versed. As you can see, this clearly obfuscates the original concerns and issues. As we approach 1996, I only caution out of kind regard for tangible progress in building internet services to practice recognizing when 'hawks and eagles' and other high flying posters enjoy easily seducing the general audience with pedanticism, either intentional or unintenional. Practicing, in your own mind, to discern and recognize pedantic email discussions helps all of us who care about enjoying 'meaningful, tangible discussions' to think with clear comprehension. It is very well documented in civilized history that pure intellect and logic without attempting to include elements of patience and kindness, is *not* wisdom. Wisdom is the pursuit and practice of intellect with patience and understanding of others. For all of us, especially me, the pursuit of changing raw technical excellence to refined wisdom is a very challenging life pursuit. I work daily to improve my self-awarenedd in this area because, as an electrical engineer, I once believed that the 'intellect of building systems' was more important than the 'less intelligent ' society we engineer systems to benefit. This manner of thinking is clearly flawed and those, including myself, who are attracted to 'higher education' and intellectual pursuits have a nature human tendency to be seduced by this incomplete position. What is less common is to find those same individuals who recognize this and tend to pursuit wisdom as well as intellect. Kind Regards, Tim PS: Please enjoy safe travel during the holiday weekend. I'm heading out to stay with family in Tennessee and face a long 10 hour drive as well. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tim Bass | #include<campfire.h> | | Principal Network Systems Engineer | for(beer=100;beer>1;beer++){ | | The Silk Road Group, Ltd. | take_one_down(); | | | pass_it_around(); | | http://www.silkroad.com/ | } | | | back_to_work(); /*never reached */ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+